Thankfully today I was inside for the most part.
I just got finished pricing and arranging stuffed animals for my mom in the shop, and now I'm going to peel potatoes for supper...I'm making mashed potatoes! My FAVORITE!!!
This is my new electric guitar! pretty awesome!!
I can't believe I actually own one now! |
I also did some typing, made this yummy fruit dessert, and practice my instruments (Piano and electric guitar)...I actually just got my electric guitar about 2 weeks ago but I attempted the acoustic...I love playing the electric and am totally pumped to learn it! I think I'll get to play on worship team at church for Wednesday nights!! I'm so excited to praise God with music!! Isn't it amazing that God has given us the ability to play instruments, dance, sing, ride bike, etc. so why shouldn't we use the gifts He's given us to "thank" Him for what He has given us?!?!?
Well I better get back to my potatoes!!
I love the guitar! And i think you should use your potato mashing skills for me instead! haha