Yesterday I worked with Blake (the "new kennel kid") at the vet. We were talking and having some nice conversations...and I realized that I should be thanking God for the ability to talk and to have conversations.
I let some of the dogs out and cleaned the cat's cages...yes it might smell really disgusting and make me gag sometimes but I have the ability to walk, to use my hands...why are we so selfish with everything?
We should be thanking God all the time for the "little" things He does for us!!! We should WANT to glorify with Him in everything we do!!!
We should be thanking God all the time for the "little" things He does for us!!! We should WANT to glorify with Him in everything we do!!!
I'm always wanting my way, and my's always me, me, me. Why is it so hard for us to just let go of things, surrender to God and let Him do the work?!?! It's our sin...the past few days I've been struggling with letting God work out the details. I realized that I have to CONSTANTLY keep surrendering things to God...otherwise I somehow take it back into my hands.
It feels amazing to have God do all the work...just to sit back and see what God is going to my friendships, my family, at work, in my life!!!!
Psalm 139:14 "I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it well."
THanks for the post nichole,I needed to remember my blessings in life.