Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Wow, a lot has been happening lately.
School, work, church...and some awesome highlights...such as the "Courage" retreat I went on with my youth group.

Molly and I were given the pleasure of having mustaches "eyelined" on our faces...
from one of the games we played at the retreat!! It was hilarious!!

13 of us youth went...it was just on the outskirts of Cherokee, out in the "wild"! LOL
We played games, ate, climbed a really muddy hill, watched some Francis Chan videos, and spent one on one time with God.
It was an amazing weekend...God taught me some really cool things and He's been using me in some awesome ways too!!

Faye, Whitney, and I also are doing a Bible study once a week. It has been pretty amazing too!!
It's cool how God can speak through people...in ways that are just to amazing to fathom!

This past Friday was Cherokee's homecoming game. I went with some friends and had a blast! Even though our team lost...big suprise! LOL
But I got to see a lot of my friends and yah, it was a lot of fun:)

My youth pastor has been doing a guitar clinic for the past 3 weeks. He leads it after youth group and we have a pretty nice size group! My sister's and I are all doing...so we all practice together through out the week! I love music!

Well I should probably be going...but I'll blog again soon.

I've also had a lot of fun spending time with my BF, Emily!!!