Right now I can hear the rain on our roof...it sounds so beautiful!! I love storms...I love getting that excitement and kind of the nervousness about what could happen. My mom thinks I'm crazing for loving storms but to me a storm isn't something to be "scared" about. Yes you have to be kind of scared because storms are unstoppable and just crazy but to me, a storm is God's way of saying He loves me and wants to show me just a little part of how big He is!!
I had a really stressful day yesterday and I woke up this morning to thunder and rain. God was telling me,
"It's okay Nichole, I have given you these struggles to help you...even when it gets hard and you feel you can't go on any longer, just remember that I'll always be here. I have never left you and I never will. But my child, please don't leave Me! I love you."